


本来和杨阳PAKAT好,不要坐VIP SEAT,那里知道还是被EDISON拖下水....和DATO同座,有一点PAISEI,吃不下...还好杨阳有夹菜给我,不然我可要饿死了...

DATUK走了,我们也开始露出真面目,开始我们疯狂的一面了...杨阳告诉我素慧在之前MSN告诉他,不如明年生活营辅导员由那些老人家上任如素慧,发财,JENNY,YEE YING,杨阳,我.....那时,我的心好像告诉我,我想当...我不知道我就是那么喜欢辅导,比起当营长...当辅导员可以贴近营员了解他们,帮助他们和他们聊天分享自己的经验.那个感觉真的很棒!我想,辅导应该是我的兴趣吧!应该无可否认吧...这是不是能当事实,就靠下一届营长的决定了吧!我想如果是真的,那场面应该不错吧!一群有经验有疯狂爱吵气氛的家伙们,合作应该会擦出火花吧!


4 条评论:

天使恶魔。niki ellie 说...


kc 说...
kc 说...

tat would be a great idea to let senior bcum counselor, as if nt involve in other duty, may spend more tym wit the member, sharing and clear the doubt.. and u guy sure knw more on the uni life, plus u do graduated and can share wit the junior hw life goes b4, during and after uni, share the career path, chosing the way of future, in long term... which all this can never be done by under-graduate uni student...

aiLyn 文铃 说...

天使恶魔。niki ellie : i oso wish can join it next time..dis camp really meaningfull...yealo.eat wt dato really 斯文,吃不饱...haha..

kc : dis is oli suggestion fr yang yang,ned depend 2 next yr camp director..haha...bt wat u said really true la..fatt chai r expert in this..so it'll a smart choice if let them be..but evy time got any plan,yang yang muz pull in water..swt..haha